Bachelor of Design

Georgia Holland

Motion Design
Scary, uncanny, sinister are some of some of the first thoughts people have when I tell them my final project is about clowns. Perhaps they’ve been traumatised by the malicious Pennywise or maybe it was seeing Ronald McDonald’s unsettling face plastered everywhere in 2007 that gave them such a disdain for clowns. My clowns, however, are quite different or I guess quite traditional. My passion is storytelling through digital media and my aim is to tell a story about clowns who take their performances a little too seriously. So seriously that Ruffles seeks the spotlight and has begun to purge the other performers with makeup remover to make them fail their “bit”. Our hero, a quiet little mime named Bo must rise to the occasion and fight back against Ruffles for the liberation of all the performers, but he must follow the one rule: always stick to the “bit”. To achieve this story concept, I have shortened the script to be used as a movie trailer. I will use my skillset of 2D, 3D animation and illustration. This year I built up the skills needed to finish my final project, which lead to me exploring new ways of animation.